About the Host
Cheryl Beversdorf is producer and host of AGING MATTERS, a weekly radio program presenting interviews with guests who provide information about aging related topics for older adults and their families. Launched in January 2017, the show is released each week as a podcast on Apple, Spotify and other podcast sites and available on Mixcloud streaming service.

AGING MATTERS programs also air on community radio stations affiliated with Pacifica Network.
Cheryl is also producer and host of a television version of AGING MATTERS. Begun in September 2018, the television program offers interviews with aging experts and demonstrations of how aging related subjects can benefit older adults’ lives. A series of programs called “Stories of Life” features accounts given by older adults about how their lives made a difference to them and their community.
AGING MATTERS TV programs are available on YouTube.
In 2019, Cheryl was the recipient of the Hammond Award Arlington Independent Media (AIM) Producer of the Year for AGING MATTERS.
Cheryl is a member of the Board of Directors of Arlington Neighborhood Village (ANV), a volunteer-driven, non-profit organization dedicated to helping older residents of Arlington County, VA continue living in their own homes. She is the chair of the ANV Communications and Marketing Committee and hosts ANV’s weekly Coffee and Conversation program.
Before AGING MATTERS, Cheryl partnered with an elder mediation attorney to create Talking About the Tough Stuff, interactive dramatizations and commentary for families needing to have difficult conversations about aging issues.
She also helped establish Epilogue LLC, which offered support groups to help men and women over age 50 find new jobs or reinvent themselves in retirement.
Cheryl is a registered nurse and Vietnam era veteran, former chief staff executive of the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans and three not-for-profit health associations. She was a staff member of the U.S. Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and senior managing director with Hill & Knowlton.